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Bursa Injections

Dr. Howard Liss treats disorders that cause pain and disability by providing consultative services and soft tissue and joint injections when needed. When medically appropriate, he makes specific referrals for diagnostic testing (lab work, imaging, electrodiagnosis), physical and occupational therapy, interventional procedures (epidurals and facet joint injections), and surgery.

Located adjacent to joints in the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, bursae enable muscles and tendons to “slide” over bones as individuals move and participate in activities. Yet, when these fluid-filled sacs become inflamed, there is pain and friction created every time the muscle and tendon move over the bone.

As a way to reduce pain and inflammation while providing important diagnostic information concerning a patient’s condition, bursa injections consist of a local anesthetic (pain reliever) and steroid (anti-inflammatory). Using fluoroscopic, x-ray guidance, a thin needle is inserted into the bursa. This orthopedic and sports therapy procedure is short and lasts only a few minutes. Many individuals experience pain relief within 30 minutes. Even so, while pain can return a few hours later (once the anesthetic wears off), the steroid continues to work, producing long-lasting pain relief as inflammation is reduced.

Are Bursa Injections Right For Me?

For the most part, bursa injections can benefit any patient experiencing joint pain that has not improved after taking anti-inflammatory medication and resting the joint. However, bursa injections are not a cure-all for an underlying condition.

Physiatrists have knowledge and experience over a wide variety of conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons. They are in a unique position to make determinations about a patient’s condition, as well as oversee comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation.

If you are experiencing ongoing joint pain, it shouldn’t be viewed as an isolated event. Joint pain and inflammation could be an indication of injury or multiple conditions and disorders, some of which are serious. Some examples include autoimmune disease, scleroderma, arthritis, osteoarthritis, muscle strain, fibromyalgia and bursitis.

With a multidisciplinary approach, physiatrists often coordinate treatment with other medical professionals, including physical therapists, occupational therapists, clinicians and interventionists to administer diagnostic treatments (including bursa injections) and other therapies based on a patient’s specific needs. Under the direction of a physiatrist, patients not only benefit from pain relief, they learn the exact causes of their pain and how to manage it. In turn, they benefit from greater functioning and an overall better quality of life.

As a trusted physiatrist in Tenafly, Dr. Howard Liss, M.D. makes it his mission to empower patients in their recovery. This is whether they are experiencing joint pain or if they need rehabilitation following major orthopedic surgery. Dr. Liss understands that joint pain and inflammation can lead to serious injuries, some of which can affect a patient’s life forever. If you are experiencing joint pain and would like to speak with Dr. Liss about bursa injections and/or rehabilitation for your pain, contact the Howard Liss, M.D. Rehabilitation Institute today.


Rehabilitation Institute

111 Dean Drive Suite 1
Tenafly, NJ, 07670
Fax: (201) 871-2214

Call Us: (201) 390-9200