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Maintaining Your Back Strength During Your Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, or hoping to be pregnant soon, congratulations! You’re about to enter into one of the most miraculous adventures of your life. When a human life is being formed in your body, it is one of the most emotionally exciting times of your life. Physically, your pregnancy has the potential to take a toll on you. Many pregnant women begin experiencing some sort of back pain at some point during pregnancy.

Maintaining and improving your back strength during pregnancy

  1. Maintain the strength of your abdomen, back muscles, pelvic floor, buttock and thigh muscles. This can aid in preventing and decreasing any back pain. Make sure you are performing any exercises in a slow and controlled manner. If you are just starting a new exercise, move into it gradually and consult with your doctor to ensure it is safe for you, your back and your baby.
  2. Continue using good posture. Your center of gravity will adjust during your pregnancy, so you will need to adjust as well. Ensure that you’re standing up tall and straight. Hold your chest up and keep your shoulders back and relaxed. Avoid locking your knees as you stand for long periods.
  3. When sitting, choose a supportive chair. If you need to put a pillow behind your lower back to support you.
  4. Sleep on your side. Avoid falling asleep on your back. One or both of your knees should be bent. There are pregnancy and support pillows that you can place between your bent knees, under your belly or behind your back.

At the Howard Liss, M.D. Rehabilitation Center, we want to help you if you are experiencing back pain during your pregnancy. We can also help you with exercises to prevent pregnancy back pain. Call and book your appointment with us, so we can help you experience a pain-free pregnancy!

Posted on behalf of Howard Liss, M.D. Rehabilitation Center



Rehabilitation Institute

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Tenafly, NJ, 07670
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